Flaming Light Chapter 17: Serena’s Light Awakening

FL List of Chapters | Flaming Light Chapter 16: Celestial Dragon

“This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of girl who wants to surpass the strongest; no this is their tale. A tale of hope. A tale of Flaming Light.”

As the dust settles around Serena’s location, with everyone waiting in anticipation to see the winner of the duel, a huge pillar of white lightning with slim blue glow bursts forth, clearing all the dust. The pillar ascends high into the sky and fades away.

Serena is seen standing, her hair flowing upwards, enshrouded completely in the white lightning, her gold colored eyes are now lustrous blue discharging tiny sparks of lightning. Her entire body is enveloped in sparks of white lightning and her gaze is fixed on Maka. There is also a mysterious white item glowing in the middle of her forehead. The pressure around Serena becomes quite monstrous causing sturdy vibrations and generating cracks in the ground.

This new development throws everyone into a state of amazement.

Diana bursts into loud laughter. “Hahaha!!! Finally! That’s my baby!!! Show them your true power,” she yells loudly, smiling. Phoenix looks at Diana and chuckles, seeing the excitement in her eyes.

“I think I see where you got your ‘rascality’ from,” May whispers to Kiiara. Kiiara giggles and smirks, “What rascality?”

“Anyway, what is that power?” May asks, astounded by the power released from Serena. Even the other kings and queens are amazed too.

“The lightning is even reaching all the way here, incredible,” Draem, king of Psyville, says.

Gray, King of Earthville, adjusts his sitting position and is now more focused on Serena.

Luxxi Hertz, Queen of Stormville, fixes her gaze on Serena and thinks to herself, “That certainly looks like white lightning but it does feel different. Could it be the legendary Heavenly lightning that I’ve heard about?”

“Interesting, it seems Serena’s Light Awakening has unveiled the special gift of Heavenly lightning for her,” Diana, says within herself and begins laughing out loud.

“My, my, seems she has realized it too. Only very few have an idea of the existence of Heavenly lightning. This is truly quite the surprise,” Phoenix says, looking at Diana.

Back at the fighting arena,

Serena stands confidently, with her gaze set on Maka. She thinks to herself, “So this is the Light Awakening mom was talking about, it feels so energizing like I just received a huge upgrade. With this, I don’t feel like I can lose.”

Maka shouts, “It doesn’t matter what new trick you have, this is the end!!!” And immediately, she forms on her palm, a ball of red aura emanating a large amount of heat about to unleash it against Serena.

In an instant, she feels something on the right side of her face as she hears a voice saying, “Give it up Maka, as I am now, you have no hope of winning… at all.” Serena’s leg is on her face and before Maka can react, the kick makes a heavy impact. With a booming sound and a streak of lightning, it sends Maka crashing into the ground of the fighting area.

All other participants of the battle royale tournament are taken aback by the sheer speed and power just displayed by Serena. Tesla notices something strange about Serena.

“What’s this? All her injuries have been healed in an instant, what kind of ability is that?” Tesla says, pondering out loud.

“It’s not just her injuries, even her energy has rejuvenated,” Dayve states.

Campione watching from a distance, still floating in the air, is intrigued by this. “Light Awakening, What a cheat move. It instantly heals every injury of the user, replenishes their energy level and gives a massive boost. However, such extreme is only achieved by those who possess the heavenly white light. Serena seems to be one gifted with such Emperor class abilities. A potential emperor class versus a Celestial dragon, how wonderful. I’d really like to see the winner of this battle,” she says within herself, smiling and with her arms folded.

Back to the battle,

Maka gets up and rushes to attack Serena but being way faster at this point, Serena appears in front of Maka and lands a very heavy lightning infused punch which causes loud rumbles and sends Maka flying high over a distance of six hundred meters (600 m) into the sky.

“Ugh!” Maka screams, spilling some blood, her eyes popping wide open as she flies high into the sky while trying to put herself to a halt.

Without delay, Serena follows up, launching from the ground with a mighty force, appearing swiftly at Maka’s front while in motion. Maka struggles to stop herself from flying any further and throws some quick jabs at Serena but Serena easily evades them. Serena then releases a heavy kick on Maka’s chin and while in perpendicular position to Maka’s stomach, begins unleashing rapid bicycle kicks against Maka. The kicks are so immense they create loud booms like grenades exploding.

Maka, while taking the hits, becomes furious and screams, “Enough!!!”, releasing a huge amount of red energy shock wave from her entire body as she spreads her arms wide. However to her surprise, Serena is no longer in front of her but now above her. Serena raises her right hand and with her palm wide open, says, “I told you, as I am now, you have no hope of winning.”

Suddenly, a huge round white portal with blue luster appears above Serena and she utters, “Heed my call and come forth, First Heavenly Spear.

The tip of a spear emerges from the portal and swiftly, discharges a powerful bolt of lightning against Maka. Maka turns to face Serena but her eyes open wide when she realizes Serena’s assault.

The attack is too fast for Maka to dodge and upon impact,


it creates an enormous blast of lightning which generates a vast explosion ranging from where Maka is, high in the sky, down to the fighting arena, unleashing tremendous waves and violent rumbles throughout the entire Glory games area (including the area where spectators were seated).

The entire stadium is calm and quiet for a brief moment as chills run down the spine of most of the viewers but is then followed by loud cheers.

“WOOWW!!!” The commentators scream. “Incredible!!!”

Everyone is amazed, astonished, shocked by such ferocious display of power by Serena.

Diana shouts like a football spectator whose team has just won an important rival match. “Yeaaahh!!!” She screams, directing her fists upwards.

“Haha, to think our daughter also possesses the heavenly spears if I’m not mistaken with what I sensed,” she says to herself.

Phoenix smiles as he watches while thinking, “Lancer eyes, gives her accurate sight to see weak points, distance and helps in seeing things really fast. Light Awakening heals her, replenishes her energy level and gives massive boost. Then there’s the heavenly lightning and heavenly spear. This daughter of mine, how intriguing.”

Gray Ignition, king of Earthville, without turning his face to Phoenix, says to him, “Quite the daughter you have there, I must say, she is…powerful or rather has the potential to be.”

“Hoo? Gray giving a compliment? Is the world about to end?” Phoenix replies and laughs.

Back at the fighting arena, as the dust settles, a quarter of the height of the fighting platform which was raised to 1200 meters by Damian has been shattered by Serena’s attack. Maka is lying on the cracked ground, battered and unconscious. The other participants, Tesla, Dayve, Teru and Dubnet are scattered all over the wrecked fighting platform. Only Campione, watching from a distance in the sky, the same level as the fighting platform, is unharmed.

Campione is quite fascinated by the turn of events. “To think that the power of that spear was only about five percent of its true power, how laughable. Just the tip of the spear was enough to cause this much damage without any direct contact. I must Serena, I’d really like to see what your future entails.”

With authority and confidence, Serena accompanied by streaks of lightning, lands on the fighting platform, panting and looking at Maka. Echelone does his countdown and raises his hand, indicating that Maka is out. An earth elemental technique is used to absorb Maka into the ground and carry her out of the stage.

Serena staggers a bit but maintains her stand. “I’ve exerted too much energy with that last technique,” she states to herself.

The commentators shout, “What an incredible match!!! We were not expecting that. This must be one of the greatest surprises of this event. Another prodigy falls, Serena yet again shows us why she’s already in the special genius class at a young age. However, this tournament is not over, with three battles left in this battle royale, who will emerge as the true champion. Will it be Serena, Dayve, Tesla, Teru or Dubnet?!!!”

FL List of Chapters

Serena’s Light Awakening

Serena Light Awakening 1dSerena Light Awakening 1a


3 responses to “Flaming Light Chapter 17: Serena’s Light Awakening”

  1. oldmanrambleson Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter. Keep on Writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kenelight Avatar

      Thank you so much for this… I’ll keep on writing!!


  2. Flaming Light Chapter 18: Incoming Threat – Claudience Web Series Avatar
    Flaming Light Chapter 18: Incoming Threat – Claudience Web Series

    […] Flaming Light Chapter 17: Serena’s Light Awakening […]


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