Flaming Light Chapter 23: Prelude to chaos: 3

The curtain rises as chaos ensues. Three demon kings, Jac De Jac, Leonardo Blaze and Neutro have arrived along with a horde of demons and the appearance of one of the top Celestials.

“This is a tale of humans, beasts, and beings from other worlds. A tale of a girl who wants to surpass the strongest; no this is their tale. A tale of hope. A tale of Flaming Light.”

(N: Due to the elemental distortion that happened millennia ago giving humans the ability to control the elements, the size of the earth expanded and became over fifteen times the normal size. Also the earth absorbed so much energy and became quite unique out of most planets in existence such that it could withstand attacks that would normally destroy multiple galaxies. This made the earth quite sought after by beings such as the demon clan)

Serena gazes at the three demons for a brief moment, exhales and quickly envelops her entire being in lightning. Dia rushes to Serena’s side to fight off the F-rank demons approaching. One of three D-rank demons move with super speed to land a hit on Serena but she swiftly evades by taking a low stance. Without delay, she leaps towards the demon and slams her right knee against his solar plexus, sending him crashing to the upper floor and returning to the ground floor with a heavy thud. She sharply moves to the next one and bashes the face with a heavy lightning induced kick. Before he can recover, she moves fast and lands another kick on the left leg. The attack is solid enough to lift the demon’s feet off the ground.

Quickly, Serena follows it with a strong uppercut, sending him flying high up into the air. When the demon is a long way up, Serena swiftly appears, flips and lands a vertical kick sending him right back to the ground with a great force. Though as he is inches from hitting the ground, while inverted, Serena appears and lands a heavy kick on the face. The kick is potent enough to cause the demon’s body to spin slightly. Serena turns and lands another vertical kick on him, slamming the demon into the ground with a mighty force, cracking the ground and creating a mini crater.

Lightning barrage,” Serena says, concluding the attack combo. The third D-rank demon speedily rushes to attack Serena but she dodges and unleashes a deadly assault against the demon.

“Lightning release: Darkness destroyer.”

Instantly from her palms, a large amount of blue lightning and blue flames emerge with a loud boom, blowing up everything in its path and ousting the demon several meters from the room.

Serena now turns to face the C-rank demon. The C-rank demon smiles and says with a strong tone, “Interesting, human. You swiftly defeated three D-rank demons; that should be worthy of praise for your level, I guess. However, I, Alsalasil, will be the end of you.”

The C-rank demon, Alsalasil, is a female demon. She looks just like a normal human, having long silky hair however with purple eyes having a thick line as the pupil, very light skin, two horns protruding from the top side of her face, sharp fangs as nails and a tail with a metallic acute tip. She has what seems like small spikes running all through her spine with the letter ‘C’ stylishly tattooed at the back of her left thigh. She is dressed in minimal clothing, a boob tube chainmail, leather bracers on both arms, a short girdle pant and a pair of long decorated boots.

Once Alsalasil completes her statement, Serena instantly appears beside her, with the spear she previously held and swings it diagonally against Alsalasil. Briskly, Alsalasil tilts backwards, evading the attack and follows up with a kick against Serena. Serena blocks by spinning her spear and using it to shield her. Alsalasil quickly uses the side of the spear handle as a platform to launch herself backwards in the air. She flips and lands on the wall in a crouching position. She grins and declares, “Now, let’s begin.”

Immediately, she starts randomly bouncing off the walls and ground of the entire room at a very high speed that it appears like she’s vanishing and reappearing. Her speed is so fast, Dia finds it difficult to keep track of her movements; however, Serena, using her lancer’s eyes, is following every single movement of Alsalasil. All of a sudden, Alsalasil appears inches away from Dia about to assail Dia with her claws. Serena overtly notices and tosses the spear with lightning overlay at Alsalasil but Alsalasil pulls back to the surface of a nearby pillar, evading the spear. 

Without delay, Serena speeds up and catches the spear while in motion after which she comes to a quick halt beside Dia and turns. Alsalasil resumes her high speed random movements. As this goes on, two of the D-rank demons get up and rush to attack Serena and Dia while the remnants of the F-rank demons also approach them.

“Tch!” Serena interjects, spins the spear and stomps the bottom of the spear handle on the ground while facing the sharp tip upwards. A large insignia with blue shimmer forms beneath herself and Dia; another one, smaller in size, appears at the tip of the spear which runs down to fuse with the insignia underneath Serena.

“Stay with me Dia,” Serena says. “Lightning flame style: Blue devastation,” she states. The insignia enlarges, covering the entire room and lightning sparks with blue flames emerge from it. Suddenly, there is a bright glow and a powerful explosion follows through.


As the dust settles, the entire landscape of the room has changed. The ceiling and some walls have been blown off. All the F-rank demons have been completely wiped off, along with the upper half of the body of one of the D-rank demons. The other D-rank demon is lying unconscious on the ground with hot air steaming out from his body.

Dia is amazed at the skill level displayed by Serena. “A new technique? Quite a handy one, Serena is incredible,” she says within herself. She and Serena are unharmed but they’re both shocked to see Alsalasil standing without any bruises after the dust clears up.

“What?!” Serena is stunned. Alsalasil, enshrouded in purple aura, smiles, claps and utters, “Interesting, that was quite amusing, human, nevertheless this ends here.”

Demon Art: Earin Alsalasil (Den of chains): First Form.

Suddenly, several circles bearing the markings begin to randomly appear on the ground, walls and pillars of the room. With high speed, chains start sprouting in and out of the circles randomly. One of those circles, shows up close to Serena’s front and out of it a chain with a short blade as head, swiftly springs out. Serena puts her guard up using her spear but the blade  of the chain pierces it and breaks it. Serena manages to slightly evade the chain’s attack but the blade of the chain grazes her neck and at the moment, Serena feels some change in her body system. She and Dia quickly withdraw to one end of the room, putting some space between themselves and Alsalasil. Once they come to a halt, Serena feels a bit funny and coughs out some blood. 

“Poison?!” she suspects, falls to her knees, shivering and writhing in pain.

“Serena!!!” Dia exclaims and sharply creates a wall of diamond around herself and Serena.


Kiiara is lying on the ground at a far distance, still within the academy, unconscious and in a wrecked state with blood dripping from her mouth. However deep within Kiiara’s introspective world, she awakens to a very large translucent door with several markings on it. Her eyes widen as she stares at the enormous dazzling flame burning brilliantly. Gradually, she starts walking towards it while a mysterious thunderous voice coming from the flames, says, “Yes little one, come and receive power.” She gets close to the door and just as she is about to place her hand on it, she feels a familiar tap on her shoulder.

“Alright, that’s enough, let’s have a little talk, Kiiara,” a strong male voice suggests from behind her.

Kiiara turns, perplexed as she lets out a wide smile. “Dad?,” she says. “How are you here?”

Phoenix smiles and replies, “That’s a long story but let me summarize everything so that you won’t be confused.”

“But I may not have such time, Dad. Serena is in danger,” Kiiara responds.

Phoenix folds his arms and states, “Don’t worry, the concept of time and space works differently here. Besides, I won’t take long but you must first have an understanding of yourself and your abilities. If you’ll ever want to be truly strong, then you must know what you carry and be able to control it. Just like I always say Kiiara, only the strong can protect.”

“Alright Dad, but first of all, where exactly am I?” Kiiara asks.

“Slow down there speedster, I’ll explain it all,” Phoenix replies.

“Let’s start with your question,” He goes on to explain. “Several millennia ago, after the elemental distortion, humans became able to wield different elements and abilities. The explanation is that, inside each being, exists a universe that inhibits the elements and abilities of that being. The universe unveils more as the being increases in skills and knowledge. Some people are unaware of the universe within them however through meditation and training, one can learn to enter into the introspective universe. Of course, as in your case, one can accidentally stumble into their universe. So Kiiara, this is where you are, your introspective universe and in this your universe, exists an ability capable of obliterating anything out of existence. That ability is what you were just staring at, that is the Heaven’s judgement: Heavenly flame of destruction. It is your ability however, it is so powerful that it has a personality of its own hence why you can hear its voice. When you were born, there was a tremendous outburst of this power, and I had to use Seven heavenly Seals of existence in an exponential arrangement to isolate it within your universe. Although, the resulting effect was that you would lose a vast amount of your powers. Looking back now, I’m glad I made that call as I’ve recently come to discover that you also have another unique ability, the way of the will. An ability that allows one to weaponize their willpower and use it for attack or defense. With these two abilities, joined with the fact that you are also a white light element user meaning you’ll have access to light awakening, is quite a double edged sword. This is because these three abilities when coupled together without the right control can lead to absolute destruction. White light element can augment the heavenly flame of destruction while your will can either fuel it or take charge of it, directly or indirectly. There are several types of will and whichever you later come to discover, shall determine how it affects your battles.”

Phoenix pauses a bit and looks at Kiiara whose eyes are filled with so much enthusiasm. “You seem really interested, that’s good. Some might have considered all of this as boring information.”

Kiiara, with her shining big blue eyes, giggles and replies, “Surely not me, I want to know more. Not just for knowing sake, but to become stronger. I want to surpass you, dad.”

Phoenix smiles and responds, “Quite an intriguing ambition kiddo. No problem however, don’t be so overly focused on surpassing everyone that you lose yourself. That being said, becoming stronger is no easy task.”

Kiiara smiles back and nods in agreement. “By the way dad, how exactly are you in my universe? Is it that easy to invade another’s universe?” She inquires.

Phoenix answers, “When I originally performed the seven seals of existence on you, I didn’t seal a copy of myself within you however, during the Battle Royale tournament against Sienna, you awakened and had I not done a quick resealing, you would’ve burned to nothing, everything you came in contact with. What happened is that I sealed a part of my consciousness within you so that whenever you entered into your universe looking for more power, I’ll be here to guide you. That is how I am present here. So this is not my real physical self rather a pre-programmed sealed version of myself. You can liken it to an AI within you. As to the ease of invading one’s universe, it’s extremely difficult but not impossible. Powerful psychics, illusionists, experts at sealing abilities and users of way of the will are able to affect your universe. There is a lot to tell you but this is enough information for today. It’s time for you to go.”

“Alright,” Kiiara replies.

“One more thing though,” Phoenix utters. “My grandfather, that is your great grandfather, Ainx Falcon and my mother, your grandmother, Sarah Falcon both possessed the Heaven’s judgement: Heavenly flame of destruction, nonetheless, they both turned out differently. Ainx became a terror to the universe while Sarah was more of a light to the universe. I can’t say for sure if the ability is hereditary since Ainx and Sarah are in no way related, and there are other beings that have such fearsome ability. The reason why I am telling you this, is that you are the one that gets to choose how the universe sees you. Will you be a light of hope or a flame of destruction? Only you can decide such a fate, no one, not even me, can decide that for you.”

“So that’s why that lady said what she said?” Kiiara mutters, remembering what Lady Suiryu Antoniette said to her. (Chapter 1 – “Eyes so sinister just like his, the eyes of destruction, no, the flame of destruction.”).

“Oh and also,” Phoenix adds and opens his right palm wide. A glowing circle with a peculiar insignia appears and out of it, a book gradually slides up. After the book is completely out, the circle vanishes. Phoenix grabs the book and hands it over to Kiiara.

“What’s this?” Kiiara asks as she collects the book.

“It’s a parting gift your grandmother, Sarah, left me with. As it appears, it’s best suited for you since you bear similarities with her. The book contains different skills and techniques which you can use and combine with Heaven’s judgement: Heavenly flame of destruction. I won’t always be here so when you finally learn how to enter into your introspective universe, you can use that book for self training. For now, let’s get you a bit powered up, shall we?” Phoenix declares.

Kiiara is excited, smiles widely and expresses, “Yeah!!”

Phoenix chuckles and instructs, “Alright, place your preferred hand on the large door. I’ll unlock one of the seals thereby giving you access to a little portion of the Heavenly flame of destruction. It won’t be a full body access so probably the hand you choose will be the one bearing its flame. This is also to allow more of your other abilities flow easily within you because the seals are also hindering the full flow of your other powers. Another thing, because the Heavenly flame of destruction originates from your universe, it seems it won’t affect your body as it does with others however if one’s universe is invaded and their will is weak, the invader can turn their ability against themselves though you need not worry about that for now since my seals are active here. You have the right to unlock the seals and the more you unlock, the more power you’ll be able to draw out but also the more freedom the personality of the Heavenly flame of destruction will have.”

“Alright. Got it dad,” Kiiara replies and places her right hand on the translucent door. One of the circles bearing a unique symbol slides through the hand and several glowing rings form on the hand dispensing immense bright light and heat. A small faint marking like a bird facing downwards appears at her shoulder and the rings fade out. The door opens wide and Kiiara steps into the open space. There stands another translucent door, much larger than the previous, bearing six huge insignias on it.

Kiiara is in awe as she steps back and gazes at her right hand. She can feel an energy surge coursing through her entire being.

“Each seal is attached to a door so removing a seal, unlocks a door. That door is the entrance to the space bearing the next seal. Remember I said the seals are exponentially arranged, that’s why each door is way bigger than the previous because the closer you get to the Flames of destruction, the more vast amount of power you’ll experience,” Phoenix shares. “This is not a get-powerful-scheme type of thing. You still have to train to harness the power. Additionally, the stronger you are, the stronger the power will be. To put this in better perspective for you, a first level seal unlock for you at mid-tier base power level is definitely more powerful than that same first level seal unlock at low-tier base power level.”

“Oh I see,” Kiiara replies, flexing her right hand fingers. “So I still have to train myself at base form without any elemental boosts.”

The mysterious thunderous voice from before chuckles. “Hehehe, you’ve finally started to accept your true power. Fear not, I shall not devour you now, not until your body becomes strong enough to allow for the full release of my power.”

Kiiara looks into the translucent door and stares at the enormous dazzling flame burning brilliantly. As she keeps staring, she sees what seems like a large fearsome eye filled with white and gold flames glaring at her. Phoenix snaps his fingers to get back her attention.

“You’ve got somewhere to go, remember?” he says.

“Yeah. Of course,” Kiiara turns and replies, as the being within the flames lets out a sinister laugh.

Phoenix suggests, “Before you go, activate the power within your right hand, there’s something I want to quickly teach you.”

“Alright,” Kiiara replies. She puts forth her right hand, her skin begins to shred away while the entire right arm transmutes into fire.

Back to the outside world, Kiiara opens her eyes and stands to her feet.

“That was… interesting,” she says and directs her right hand sideways. Instantly, its form alters and becomes engulfed in flames, burning away the entire right sleeve.

“I haven’t fully learned how to use my body aura to prevent these heavenly flames from burning my clothes,” Kiiara states to herself.

A wing of fire shoots out and spreads from the upper left side of her back. Her dazzling blue eyes turn to shimmering gold eyes while the ribbon binding her hair has been cut off causing her long full hair to flow with the evening breeze.

“I see, so when I’m powered up by unlocking one of dad’s seals, I can manifest a wing of flames however it is not from the heavenly flame of destruction itself,” she analyzes.

She takes flight into the sky and focuses her gaze at an angle of depression. From that distance, which is some kilometers away, she is able to accurately pinpoint Serena, Dia and Alsalasil.

“Amazing, even my eagle eyes have been strengthened. Without the power up, I’d have been struggling to see them from this distance. This should be a distance of roughly about three miles (3 miles),” she mutters.

After finding them, Kiiara takes a deep breath, exhales and says, “Will I be a light of hope or a flame of destruction, hmm? I think I’ve made my decision Dad; I will be a light of hope to those I have to protect…”

She pauses and adds, “…and a flame of destruction to every adversary that comes my way. I will be a flaming light. ” With a powerful burst, she zooms off towards Serena’s bearings.

Dia Crystal

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